Welcome to the Report's Page
The latest & Greatest Reports for Bognor Regis Bowls Club
President Nick Hatfield.
Welcome to my Christmas message for this year.
I would like to start by welcoming our new members to the Men’s and Ladies committees. Thank you to, Ruth Hatfield ( Ladies Secretary), John Keers ( Mens Secretary), Rick Smith ( Mens Vice Captain), Nick Brown ( Competition Secretary ), Dave Jackson ( Mens Committee), Denise Cooke ( Ladies Vice Captain), and Shona Smith ( Ladies Committee).
As far as our Centenary season was concerned it is fair to say it was a mixture of ups and downs. Both our men’s teams had disappointing seasons, but I am sure both will bounce back next season. The ladies teams also it is fair to say also had a disappointing season. I must stress that we do need your full support in putting your names down for matches.
On the up side the highlights were without doubt winning the Holbrook Cup and the match against Bowls England. We received some great comments from the Bowls England President Deepak Tanna and everyone had a great day. My tremendous thanks for that day must also go to the hospitality team who put on an exceptional after match meal, which received some great feedback.
It was my great pleasure to award two new life members to the Club, in gratitude to all their dedication, loyalty, and hard work. Many congratulations to Penny Jones and Bob Hey. I have to say a huge thank you to the Management team, and the Men’s and Ladies Committees who all put in a great amount of work to make the season go smoothly, well done to you all.
I would like to advise you that my chosen charity for next season will be Alzheimer’s Society.
Nick Hatfield
Christmas 2023
Captain Dave Reporting on our last league game for the Summer Season of 2023
Worthing Pavilion Bulls v Bognor Regis B.C played at Worthing Pavilion, on Sunday 20th August `23.
The same weather that followed the Bulls to Bognor, for the first game at Waterloo Square followed us to Worthing Pavilion for our final league game of the season in Division 1, in this our Centenary Season.
With 6 players away on the same day hopes of a win dwindled some. So, once again we made some phone calls and brought in 6 bowlers from our Div 3 side to fill the void and, with a lot of respect to those players who stepped up and played. My thanks go to Don O`Donavan, Rick Smith, Phil Hasler, Mick Conolly, George Dunham and Jonathan Colbrook-Taylor.
As with the first game we lost 94-68, and that result relegated us to Division 2 for the 2024 season. I'd like to end this little message by giving a big👍up to all members.
I stepped into some very big shoes as captain of Bognor for 2023. Thank you for your help and support throughout. Hope to see you as committed for the rest of the season, still a few games to go, friendlies etc, so get your name up on those sheets and play the game you signed up to play in the beginning.
Well done to those members concerned, who beat Petersfield and progressed to the FINAL of the Holbrook Cup. This will take place at Stedham B.C. on the 9th September, starting at 2pm (not 4pm as first stated). Make a note in your diary, let`s all travel and give them our full support.
See you on the GREEN soon.
Capt. B.R.B.C
by Arthur Richardson
The flag waves high over Waterloo Square to celebrate Bognor Regis Bowls club Centenary Year.
As we complete the hundred years we stand amazed by well tailored greens where once horses and sheep grazed.
Our founders by covenant, for leisure use ensure that we who followed can celebrate 100 years and more.
Our part of Bognor down by the Pier can be seen, where all are welcome to play or watch us on the green.
Many changes occur over this long time Ladies joined to prove their skills were as good as Men.
Woods were once brown, or possibly black, now replaced by colours, any mixture will do. Club colours not changed, still Red, White and Blue.
The Club is most welcoming and offers to find a new beginning to replace that left behind.
The Bognor Flag still flutters as years go by perhaps to be joined by a new standard to fly.
We welcome our members to the Centenary Year 1923 - 2023 season at Bognor Regis Bowls Club when we will all have a great fantastic bowling season
Royalty Returned to Bognor Regis

On Wednesday 31st May 2023, as part of their centenary celebrations, Bognor Regis Bowls Club had the great honour of welcoming a team from Bowls England.
Deepak Tanna, the current Bowls England President, along with his team of 24 bowlers was greeted by Nick Hatfield the acting Club President. Bob Markham the visiting Bowls England Captain had assembled an illustrious team, which included international and county players, together with past Presidents and dignitaries.
The game began with members of the Bowls England team presenting a commemorative medal to their opposite number on each team. This was followed by a "closest to the spider" icebreaker, won by a visiting past President.
An immense amount of planning and hard work ensured the day was a resounding success. Huge thanks must go to Matt Slorach and his team of green keepers from Tivoli, Club Captain Dave Wells, and Ruth Hatfield and her hospitality team.
The match had everything that makes the game of bowls great; amazing venue, beautiful sunshine, fabulous competitors, some excellent bowling, plenty of supportive spectators, and most importantly, the game was played in the most amazing spirit, with many friends and acquaintances made on the day. The final overall score was Bowls England 117, Bognor Regis 90.
The match was the second of three celebratory events to recognise the club’s
centenary year, the first being a match played against Sussex County on May 21st.
The final event will be an all day Centenary Tournament held on Wednesday 6th
September 2023 at the club’s home ground – Waterloo Square, Bognor Regis.
Everyone is most welcome – do come and join us in celebrating 100 years of
bowling at Bognor Regis Bowls Club!
Bowls England Photo Gallery of a great day
Mens Captains' Report for the Summer Season 2022
2022 has been a wonderful year for our bowling club with the weather warm and mostly dry.
The Mens A Team were Division 2 Champions and will play in the top Division next year which will be our Centenary Year.
The B Team were also in the running for promotion for a time.
Ladies Captains' Report for the Summer Season 2022
Well what a great season we had this year with wonderful weather.
The ladies had an exceptional season finishing 2nd in the Game Set and Match league, only two points behind the winners, Worthing Pavilion. We were due to play Worthing Pavilion in our final game which unfortunately was rained off. Would you believe it after the amount of dry weather we had had. So we shared the points which secured us 2nd place. I believe this is the highest position Bognor Ladies have achieved in the league. Well done ladies.
Bognor Regis Bowls Club win the Midhurst Cup
Midhurst Bowling Club hosted the Midhurst Cup Final between Petersfield, who beat Crablands in the semis, and Bognor, who defeated Stedham.
Spectators were treated to a great match with Bognor banking a few too many shots in the first twelve ends for Petersfield to recover despite putting up a good fight.
The final score was 81-69 to Bognor.
Bognor host Bournemouth Bowling Club
A great day was had by all when Bournemouth Bowling Club visited Bognor
Ladies Captains' Report for the Summer Season 2017
It was my intention from the beginning of the season to try something different as regards team selection. I felt it was important to bring some players on who had shown potential to play 3 or skip and also play in the league team. I had a selection committee who met most Mondays and judging from the result of our league success this year, it has seemed to work.
Men's Captains' Report for the Summer Season 2017
We started the season with the President vs Captains game which was well
attended with all six rinks being used.
Our first away fixture against East Preston had more than enough names down
and we increased the rinks from 4 to 5, which was good news for the start of the
Captains' Report for the Summer Season 2014
With the season well and truly over I would like to reflect on what, I feel, has been a very good season for Bognor. Our season started very well with the President v Captains' match on the opening day with over 50 bowlers.
Captains' start of season Report 2014
Some people might think it is a daunting task taking over from Ned after his extremely successful five years as Captain but not so - it might had been so at other clubs but not at Bognor Regis Bowls Club which is about as friendly and a happy, welcoming club as you will find and I feel honoured and very proud to be Captain for the forthcoming season.
Special Moments of a Great Season
Firstly, may I thank every member of our Club, Ladies and Gentlemen, for helping to make this a year to remember. Our Ladies Team has had a fine season under the Captaincy of Beryl and just failed to maintain their position of second place, well done all the ladies.
The "agony and the ecstasy"
Bowls is a funny old game full of highs and lows, none more clearly illustrated that of the "HOTSHOT".