Royal Chelsea Pensioners Gallery
We hope you enjoy reading the next few pages about our holiday exploits in Tunisia with the Royal Chelsea Pensioners. This trip has been in the making for nearly two years due to the fact that the Royal Chelsea Pensioners' prescense is in such high demand for so many functions, and as we made our way around a very small area of Tunisia, the attention we received on all our outings was due mainly to the fact that the Pensioners were always very smartly turned out, and a credit to be with.
We feel that the Tunisians were very impressed by the sight of a coach load of impecably dressed and polite gentlemen who come from all walks of life but due to their training and comradship present a united front of order and courtesy wherever they appear.
We would like to give thanks to Mercian Travel, who arranged the Pensioners travel and itenary and the Rui Green Park Hotel for their hospitality and made sure that our accommodation and facilities were first class.