Welcome to the Past President Page

President Arthur RichardsonWHAT MAKES A GOOD BOWLS CLUB ?
As with many sports, and social clubs, Membership is declining.
Why? In a nutshell older members become inactive and give up, or sadly pass on, and younger members are hard to attract with so many other "modern "leisure pastimes. How can younger players fully participate in playing what is essentially an afternoon leisure activity. Bognor Regis Bowls Club is then fortunate in having a loyal membership many of whom have been bowling with the club for longer than they would care to admit. Most bowlers have played for more than one club and in its location Bognor is lucky to attract new members from among those who retire from the big cities and come down to the South coast in retirement.
Secondly, The GREEN.
Although, in common with most local clubs, the Green is owned by the Local Authority, we have a dedicated greenkeeping force who do listen to our concerns and try to address them. The long hot dry summers do not do the surface any favours and nightly automatic irrigation coupled with spiking to get the water down to the roots is essential. This has in the past led to some bumpiness. There is nothing worse for a dedicated bowler than to see his well aimed wood veer off line due to no fault of is own!
Lastly, The COMPANY
Many clubs are fortunate in having dedicated premises, Clubroom, and somewhere to socialise. Whilst we do not have that luxury Bognor has a noticable friendly family feel, and members have time for one another off as well as on the green. Socials held at other nearby premises help to maintain that status. We of course have many more men than ladies and in fact we could do with many more of the fairer sex, as we enter both a mens league , and one for ladies. At the end of the day we are all bowling for enjoyment and in what other sport at commencement of the game do you wish your opponents have a nice game.
So why not go along to a club such as that for which we play and enjoy life, with a gentle healthy, exercise thrown in.

Arthur Richardson
Past President
Bognor Regis Bowls Club